
Global Security Experts Logo

Led by Jordan Frankel (The Security Sensei) an internationally acclaimed security consultant and product inventor, Global Security Experts ("GSE") Inc., offers a diverse selection of security products and services for consumers. From threats involving residential burglaries to violent home invasions, GSE is at the forefront in the worldwide effort to deliver effective - and affordable - security solutions to millions of people. This effort distinguishes GSE from competitors that typically mass produce inferior security products. For GSE recognizes that personal protection is not - and never should be - an exclusive luxury for the rich. As a result, GSE continues to deliver elite security products for the everyday citizen offering security - and peace of mind - for the entire family.

GSE`s founder Jordan Frankel is a frequent media speaker on residential security, addressing the personal and financial consequences associated with home invasions and other serious threats. Jordan’s ability to outsmart the proverbial bad guys, coupled with his commitment to making security an affordable reality for all consumers, is the key to his international success. A global security expert who is a recognized member of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) and the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP) GSE designs security solutions everyone can afford, and more importantly, makes security a subject that we can all understand and value.


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